Types of Quicken

Quicken runs on two platform

1) Quicken FOr windows
2) Quicken For mac

1) Quicken For Windows
a) Starter-Quicken starter is just for very basic one which has least features and functions.
b) Deluxe- Quicken Deluxe is a upgrade version of QUicken starter in which we can pay bills ,manage reports etc.
c) Premier- QUicken Premier is used to maintain investment or analysis portfolio,how they works.
d) Home, Business, & Rental Property- it is used by mainly who have business to manage reports ,profit and loss statement,spendings

2) Quicken For mac-
a) starter-it is as same as windows for quicken but the difference is of operating system.
b) deluxe- Track principal and interest to pay off loans faster and Customize or analysis investment portfolio.
c) Premier- It works like as deluxe and pay the bills as well.
